Excursion Casablanca

Casablanca City Tour Departure time: 09:30 am, Duration: Half Day

Casablanca is the modern face of Morocco yet a city that has always managed to fascinate the visiters thanks to its upholding an original Moorish and African look next to a new marvelous one in such a balanced way.
The Medina and its walls , the souks and their coulors, the mosques with the calls and people in their Djellabas remain the exact identity  of this cosmopolitan Humphery Bogart and Engrid Bergman dearly choosen place for a film that fits in every age and time.
The visit starts from the hotel after breakfast. The drive long the cornish allows us to enhale the fresh costal air and take us to Hassan the second mosque :the second largest mosque in the world after the one in mecca. Everything about it is fascinating: The height of its menaret , the marble and mosaic and the lazer beams which one can see from 30 miles away. The visit from outside is allowed and free . The visit of its indoors is very often disturbed by the prayer times.

The drive long the rich villa zone of Anfa takes us gentilly to the modern quarters with its wide boulevards and twin centre. The french quarter is still protecting its art deco’s look and the walk through the Houbous kasbah reminds of one thousand and one night fairy tale . Return to the hotel at 13:00 for an enjoyable lunch.

Rabat Departure time: 09:00 am, Duration: Full Day :

The Almohades of Marrakesh and Alhambra have made their choice up on this strategic place naming it after their  monastry. The beautiful gates and the 9 klms of walls are still witnessing the  glorious moorish times. In the other hand Loudaya kasbah which has hosted the refugies of Andalousia in the 1492 is the most charming place. The views over the sea from its caffees are magic.
Our visit includes the beautiful Mohameds the 5 th mausoleum, the royal palace grounds and the new french quarter. Lunch can be in one of the fish restaurants in Rabat itself.

Marrakech Departure time: 07:00 am, Duration: Full Day

The name was once Mozar Kesh meaning the town of Coulors and so it is: With its red in the walls, the green of the Oasis, the blue of its sky and the white of the snow in the heights of the Atlas Marrakesh has attacted the Almoravides, the Almouhades , the Merinides and the Saadians : Four great dynasties that have expressed their love to the place dotting it with beautiful palaces, medersas , mosques and squares. The modern times however , have also done the same , leaving Marrakesh with gifts to be proud of, Majorelle garden shows at what extent highly regarded artists: Majorelle himself and Eve saint Laurant after him have admired Marrakesh and its charm. Our visit includes : Majorelle garden, Bahia palace with the Jewish quarter and the souk, Lunch at Dar salam where Hitchcock has made his famous film : the man who new too much is a great experience. The main square and the medina’s visit concludes our tour

Fes Departure time: 07:00 am, Duration: Full Day

Pick up from the hotel at 7:00 am . The journey is 4 hours .Certainly long but worth a while for it takes to the real face of a morocco that was in Walter Harris book. Our visit takes us to the Southern Bourj where we get to see the Medina from.The feeling is undescribable.Very much like a honey comb, fes is a network of alleys and mase and through the narrow streets where a torch can be nessecary we get to visit magic souks, the mederssa Attarine, the museum Nejjarine and the tanneries before we get to enjoy a delicious moroccan lunch in one of Fes Riads.


Contact Mr Ali Alexander Barfod El Kroni : alex.lk_barfod@atlastoursmorocco.com
Mr Omar Nid Lasri : omarnid@atlastoursmorocco.com
